
Aquarium Management

Online Aquarium Management Course

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100 Hours

How to manage an Aquarium -Keeping Fish as Pets Course

Aquarium Management Courses have been developed in response to industry demand and are specifically designed to equip graduates with work-ready skills. Each participant will be trained and assessed in theory and in practical tasks. Real-world exercises are used throughout the program. 

Keeping aquarium or “ornamental” fish as pets in aquaria or garden ponds is becoming an increasingly popular pastime. Many hundreds of fish species, both native and exotic, are sold for this purpose by aquarium suppliers and it has been estimated that this industry is worth $350 million annually in Australia.

Keeping ornamental fish is a great hobby for people of all ages, however it is important to make sure your aquarium and its inhabitants remain happy and healthy. Here are a few things you should remember:

  • Know your fish – Some need special conditions and diet, while others are aggressive and unsuitable for a community tank.
  • Change the water – Replace about a third of the water in your aquarium at least once a month. Tap water may contain chemicals that harm your fish so make sure you add a water conditioner available from your pet shop.
  • Remove sick fish – Diseased fish can contaminate others so remove them quickly.
  • Don’t overfeed – Feed only as much as your fish will eat in one minute and just once a day, or as advised by your pet shop.
  • Don’t overcrowd – Overcrowding increases pollution and aggression problems.

Employment Outcomes

Aquarium employees have the opportunity to educate the public about the critical need for the conservation of wildlife and wild lands. This responsibility assures an interesting and rewarding career, but the profession requires more than a commitment to conservation - it requires hard work.

Zoo and aquarium employment is not always glamorous. Much of the work requires physical strength, as well as the ability to make detailed observations and keep information up-to-date. It takes a special kind of dedication to provide care to captive animals that require attention 24 hours a day, seven days a week, come snow, rain, or shine.

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