
SQL For The Web

Online SQL Course

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100 Hours

Learn to develop and manage an SQL database. a valuable skill for web developers and programmers.

There are 12 lessons in this course:

  1. Introduction to Databases
    • What is a database
    • DBMS
    • The relational model
    • Primary keys
    • Foreign keys
    • Relationships
    • Normalisation
    • Other normal forms
    • De normalisation
  2. Fundamentals of SQL
    • Installing a DBMS
    • SQL
    • The select statement
    • Common errors
    • Identifiers
  3. Building a database with SQL
    • Building a database: RAD tool, CSV file, opening database, commands, etc
    • Data types and MS access
  4. Retrieving, Storing, Updating and Deleting Data
    • Retrieving data
    • Retrieving from tables with relationships
    • Creating column aliasesEliminating duplicate rows withDISTINCT
    • Filtering rows with WHERE
    • Matching patterns with LIKE
    • Escaped and unescaped patterns
    • Range filtering with BETWEEN
    • List filtering with IN
    • Evaluating conditional values with CASE
    • Sorting rows by ORDER BY
    • Storing, updating and deleting dataUpdating rows with UPDATE
    • Deleting rows with DELETE
  5. Advanced SQL database access methods
    • Relational databases
    • Creating outer joins with OUTER JOIN
    • Subqueries
    • Summarising data
    • Grouping rows
    • Using HAVING for filtering rows
    • Set operations
    • Union
    • Intersect
    • Except
    • Handling duplicates
  6. Database Security
    • Security is important
    • Triggers
  7. Using SQL in applications
    • Uusing SQL in an application
    • Using SQL in web sites
    • Using SQL in desk top applications
    • Using SQL in mobile devices
    • Embedded SQL
    • SQL injection
  8. Cursors
    • What are cursors
    • Preventing updates and deletions
    • Scrollable Cursors
  9. Stored procedures
    • Introduction
    • Compound statements
    • Stored functions
    • Stored modules
    • Views
    • Indexes
    • Controlled flow statements
  10. Error Handling
    • Stability
  11. Dynamic SQL
    • Introduction
    • Execution of dynamic SQL
    • Single step execution
    • Two step execution
    • Dynamic cursors
  12. Advice and Tips
    • Common mistakes
    • Assuming the client knows what they need
    • Underestimating project scope
    • Only considering technical factors
    • Not seeking client feedback
    • Skipping beta testing

Each lesson culminates in an assignment which is submitted to the school, marked by the school's tutors and returned to you with any relevant suggestions, comments, and if necessary, extra reading.

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